Video Credit Bryant Hudson

Video Credit Bryant Hudson

Canvas Direct Context

Canvas Direct was completed during a 1 week company sponsored hackathon. I proposed the project and organized the team to build it. This project demonstrates experience design and ownership.

Canvas Direct was completed during a 1 week company sponsored hackathon. I proposed the project and organized the team to build it. This project demonstrates experience design and ownership.


Approved, pending public release

My Contribution

All product, experience and design work

Time to Complete

One week


Approved, pending public release

My Contribution

All product, experience and design work

Time to Complete

One week


Problem 1

According to a poll, knew of less than 10% of features in Lucid products.

According to a poll, knew of less than 10% of features in Lucid products.

Problem 2

Adding more features to the current menu's and toolbars decreases findabilit


Educate on new features

Enhance existing features

Create new ways to access features.
